Search for the missing container from Operasjon Rype
The story goes that one of the containers that was dropped on March 24, 1945 went through the ice and is at the bottom of Gjevsjøen to this day. Alfred Anderson, Gjefsjøgubben, assigned a place to Oddvar Aasvoll during a rowing trip many, many years ago, and Oddvar in turn transferred the place name to OSS Gjefsjøen three years ago.
For almost a year, we have been planning a joint project between Maritime Robotics and Kongsberg Seatex to carry out a search for the container.
This week the time had come, and 2*Eirik from Maritime Robotics, and Jørgen and Ole Magnus from Kongsberg Seatex participated in the search with autonomous craft and advanced sonar. We have mapped the seabed in the most relevant area and some other possible areas in the sea. As always when we conduct operations far off the beaten track, technical challenges arise that must be solved on site. However, with top-shelf professionals, problems were solved, and after 24 hours, everything worked perfectly. We also had with us Snorre and Christian from Upnorthfilm who are making a documentary about the operation, and Nils Christian lined up as usual to make it all happen.
The data must be analyzed first so that the result will not be clear until over the summer. We’ll have to wait in excitement until it’s ready.
Source from the picture on the left and middle:
Article source: Here